Tuesday, November 07, 2006

1st Posting

....and hopefully not the last!

As you can see by my title, I am busy! I am passionate about a lot of things. Creativity is important to me. I have a hard time throwing garbage out because I constantly think that everything is good for something else. It is that I don't have enough hours in the day to come up with something else.

I am starting a blog because I want to become accountable for my life. Does that make sense. I figure, that even if I am the only reader, than that is alright. I can make plans and then bug myself to FINISH them.

What do I have on the go right now?

1 - Work - this is a whopper....I have sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many corrections that are getting me down and are sapping my energy....but, my students are improving.

2 - Sewing. I had cut out a hoodie last spring....in a beautiful baby blue fabric, with little embroidered flowers, yellow and darker blue...well, this week-end I finally started to sew it up. I am happy with the result and I think that yes, I will be wearing it often. This will be a first because I tend to not wear my stuff...I hate my body, bit that is another post. Anyhow, I have to play with the waistband and the hood, then sew the zipper in. I must also get a digital camera to take some pictures to post here ;).

3 - Quilt - my design wall (I made it this summer, it covers my doorless closet) has a quilt for my MIL. It is a huge crossword puzzle and I am at the point of scanning pictures onto material to incorporate. By having it on the design wall it is an everpresent UFO.

4 - Reading -I am reading lots of pedagogical literture because I am doing a Masters in Education. But I am also reading a book that my aunt wrote An Adirondack Passage by Christine Jerome. It is very good, and if you like canoeing, wilderness and history, than I suggest it.

5 - Writing - Papers and papers for my Masters. I am not even doing any Morning Pages :(...but I hope to write more with this blog.

6 - Running - I ran the Toronto International Marathon on October 15th and haven't run since. Now...something tells me that if I could get off my duff and out the door to run, I'd be more productive with the rest of my life.

7 - Procrastinating....by doing this blog.

Well, Later


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