Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Links,1,Diapositive 1


New way of marking.

I have not been a regular poster :(. I am sort of nervous about exposing myself but I mean, who the heck is interested in my life? Not many people I am sure.

I found a new technique to mark my student papers. Audio files. I go through the essay and underline and circle areas that need comments and then I take my mp3 player and record my commentary. While I am recording, I number the areas in a noticeable coloured ink. I started doing this because I wanted to give more feedback to my students and reinforce what I have been saying all semester. I will send out the audio files before the class and give back the papers in class. I have a feeling that this will be more beneficial for my students.

Here are some links to check out. I will be looking into this more deeply.

This woman, Susan Sipple seems to have a lot of experience with this method.

What else is going on? Very busy. I didn't even do my Masters' presentation. We have been doing the presentations over a three week period. I will be doing it on Monday. I am beginning to really dislike Mondays.

Well, I have to get a move on. I have three more papers to correct.



Sunday, November 12, 2006

A day of Masters

I spent the day doing my power point presentation for my Masters. It will have to suffice. I don't know how I will do... But I will just have to stay calm and cool. I think that I will run tomorrow morning...running always makes me feel STRONG. I'm not sure of the teacher. Well, kind of not sure. She doesn't have any respect for me, which makes me not have any for her. So, I'm just doing the work, enjoying it by the way and getting myB? It is all so subjective.

I ran today! I went up to the Norvegian and back. I wore my new Pink running room jacket and my MP3 player. It was a decent run. The weather was absolutely excellent. The perfect day for a run.

Well, not much else. No sewing, no correcting....just my Masters.


Saturday, November 11, 2006

Not much really.

Saturday morning. I am waiting for my Globe and Mail. I forget what date the annual literature contest is, but I am waiting for it. Not that I need to have other things added to my plate, but I love to do that contest. Maybe this is the year that I will win? I came close last year, but I did have some problems with the corrections....personally, some of the answers were subjective. However, I did not complain to the Master of literature, the one who wrote the quiz.

So, what is on tap for today? Well, I have to do a presentation on Monday night; about my Master's subject. So, I will start my organizing, a powerpoint. Plus, I want to finish off my hoodie. I started it last week-end. And LAUNDRY. Laundry, laundry go away, come again some other day. Not a chance.

Excitement in my life.

I have a question, for anyone who may read this blog. Why do some blogs on blogger do not have the little "flag it" button? I came across a very objectionable site, oh...that would be another question. What is an objectionable site?


Friday, November 10, 2006

3rd Post

....which is getting monotonous...writing the number of posts. I will start changing my titles.

So. What has life been like? Well, I've been correcting student journals. They take a long time because I comment after each entry. But they are done. They were paper journals (scribblers). Now this set of students are registered to my class forum and are doing journal writing via the forum. I must say that I enjoy this technique. The students seem to like it too. At the end of the semester I will have the students choose which format they like for free writing. When I correct I underline the grammar, language problems and give them point for content. In a sense it is motivating for them because students love to express their opinions and will express their opinions, despite language problems.

I haven't done any running, sewing or time. But the week-end is coming. As for reading, of course, but school related. I was perusing a book the other day, before sleeping....It is a a pedagogical journal: OPEN LETTER. A Canadian Journal of Writing and Theory. I really have to subscribe to this journal. It has nothing to do with my Masters theme but writing theory. I hear a phd calling. it possible to do two Masters? One in Education and One it Literature.

Well, I have to get ready for work.


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

2nd post

I'm not sure that I like blogger...sorry. I want to have a calender on the side column. I want to be able to put links, easily, not play around with html. Everything seems hard.

But, I am writing. This is important.

I went to hear a speaker last night, Sylvain Boudreau. It was very good. He is a motivator and that is what was done. Moi Inc. The whole principle behind the talk is that we are our own company and it is up to us to take care of it...starting first with ourself. Now, isn't that a concept? It is something that we don't do...I do sometimes, but then I fall off the bandwagon and get lost in the busyness of life.

And speaking about busy(i)ness...I have to get going to school. Work beckons.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

1st Posting

....and hopefully not the last!

As you can see by my title, I am busy! I am passionate about a lot of things. Creativity is important to me. I have a hard time throwing garbage out because I constantly think that everything is good for something else. It is that I don't have enough hours in the day to come up with something else.

I am starting a blog because I want to become accountable for my life. Does that make sense. I figure, that even if I am the only reader, than that is alright. I can make plans and then bug myself to FINISH them.

What do I have on the go right now?

1 - Work - this is a whopper....I have sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many corrections that are getting me down and are sapping my energy....but, my students are improving.

2 - Sewing. I had cut out a hoodie last a beautiful baby blue fabric, with little embroidered flowers, yellow and darker blue...well, this week-end I finally started to sew it up. I am happy with the result and I think that yes, I will be wearing it often. This will be a first because I tend to not wear my stuff...I hate my body, bit that is another post. Anyhow, I have to play with the waistband and the hood, then sew the zipper in. I must also get a digital camera to take some pictures to post here ;).

3 - Quilt - my design wall (I made it this summer, it covers my doorless closet) has a quilt for my MIL. It is a huge crossword puzzle and I am at the point of scanning pictures onto material to incorporate. By having it on the design wall it is an everpresent UFO.

4 - Reading -I am reading lots of pedagogical literture because I am doing a Masters in Education. But I am also reading a book that my aunt wrote An Adirondack Passage by Christine Jerome. It is very good, and if you like canoeing, wilderness and history, than I suggest it.

5 - Writing - Papers and papers for my Masters. I am not even doing any Morning Pages :(...but I hope to write more with this blog.

6 - Running - I ran the Toronto International Marathon on October 15th and haven't run since. Now...something tells me that if I could get off my duff and out the door to run, I'd be more productive with the rest of my life.

7 - doing this blog.

Well, Later